Pilsen Festival of Light
and art in public space
The popular BLIK BLIK light festival will celebrate its anniversary in 2025. Its theme will be Contrasts, or the dialogue between technology and history. For its 10th birthday, the festival will present its largest production since its inception. 20 installations will await visitors on the route from Republic Square via DEPO2015 to TechTower. The start and end of the route will be marked by two exceptional installations.
The first is a laser show around the Marian Column, for which a new symphonic poem is being created. On the opposite side of the route – in front of the TechTower technology center – the FLUX light installation by the French studio Collectif Scale will be presented. Thanks to a hundred kinetic light arms, it resembles a graceful robotic dancer. This installation has already appeared at the most prestigious European light festivals.
This time, the school of videomapping will transform the facade of the town hall of the second district of Pilsen – Slovany – with a projection. After ten years, the monumental videomapping at the West Bohemian Museum will also be repeated. As in 2015, it will be taken care of by the French studio AV Extended.

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